What is it?
- Well, thank you for asking. www.cfagreystone.com is a one stop shop and community center for the team of Chick-fil-A Greystone. We have everything you need from a technology standpoint. This will make logistics and access so much easier for every team member.
Is the website for guests?
- Not currently. We have talked about making parts of the website public in the future, but for now it is just for our team to utilize.
Well, what does it do?
Let me walk you through the different pages and why they are each important!
- Our home page is where we will house all recent articles and updates that we post. This could be a recent email, social media post, video, or any form of mass communication that we wanted to send to you guys. This will also have some informational, developmental, or experiential articles. These could be a great resource for you guys to use for your own personal growth and development.
- The updates page will be where all the articles that we have shared and posted will be housed. If you need to go back and review an old article, just go to the updates page and search for the article that you want.
- The Resources page will be where you spend most of your time. This page will have every resource that you need or would request to need during your time at Chick-fil-A Greystone. This would include time punch requests, uniform requests, Expression of intents to move up, CFA home, band, pathway, etc. The resources tab will be the one stop shop of Chick-fil-A Greystone so that you never have to search to find what you need.
- The About page will be there for two purposes. First to remind who we are as a store, so that we can go back to that whenever we need. It also exists to introduce our team to the director team and how to contact them.
We look forward to utilizing this new resource that we have to make everything easier for you guys moving forward. If you have a cool idea of something you would want to add, email me at Russ@cfagreystone.com. Thanks Guys!